Sunday, March 1, 2009


Lately, my life has been crazy!!! I have school, which is alot of work, and of course gymnastics. I'm trying to get ready for high school gymnastics which I'm not nearly good enough to do. I've just been practicing, practicing, practicing! In addition to those two, I'm preparing for a Mexico mission trip with the other students from the Johnson Ferry High School Ministry. There's so much preperation that still needs to be done before that trip! As you can see, there are alot of exclamation points. Even just talking about all this stuff stresses me out because I know that after I get off my blog, there's something else I need to go do. Sometimes it's really hard to just relax because there's so much to do, but I find that if I can just sit back and maybe even read my Bible for 10 minutes, the day is so much better. Of course, I try to start and end my day with Jesus, but in the middle of the day it's great. When I'm rushing around, trying to get homework done before gymnastics, sometimes I'll just remember to pray. Writing it on your hand is great! I just try to stop, consentrate on Jesus, and remember that all these things are in HIS hands. If HE wants me to be 5 minutes late to gymnastics, I don't need to freak out. It is ok because HE knows what HE's doing way better than I do. So just remember that as I pass on a little advice to the 3 of you that read my blog (haha, lol), when your feeling stressed, try to remember to chill and give it to God!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Believe, Trust, Hope

There are a lot of things that have hit me pretty hard lately. The first thing, also being the hardest, is that gymnastics is over. My parents decided that I would be aloud to go back to gymnastics about a week ago. After they e-mailed the director, he said that there wasn't enough room in my level anymore and that they couldn't take me back. I was not expecting this at all!! I am still doing gymnastics, but on a little less serious level. This is not what I wanted so it's still really hard to face reality on this one. The next thing that I found out the next day was that one of my best friends is moving at the end of Pennsylvania. This is something that I'm unfortunatly used to but it doesn't make it any easier. I can name one friend K-8th (now 9th) that have moved away. It always seems to be a close friend too. I don't really know what God is doing but I have to keep trusting. This is not always easy at all, but it's vital in my relationship with Him. This leads me to my title: Believe, Trust, Hope. This is somethig that I have to do constantly. The first step to changing how I feel is believing that God is in control of every situation that He has put me in. I can't doubt for one minute that He has put me in a situation that I can't handle. The second step is that I need to trust that He is going to carry me through every situation without fail. He will never leave me and I can't go relying on myself because I don't trust Him to do what's best for me. The last thing I have to do is hope. I can't just live my life without hoping that something will happen. This comes somewhat naturally with believing, but I still have to look for something in the future. I have to be patiently waiting but being allert to what He might do in my life.

That's it for now = )